Read Live User Guide

Setting the Duration of Word List Timings

By default, Word List timings are set to a Whole list duration. If you have a student who, after multiple practices and extra support, cannot read a word list's words both down the columns and across the rows, you may want to adjust the student's Word List Goal and/or change the duration story option to 1 minute

The 1 minute exercise option stops each timing after 60 seconds. A bell sounds, and students are asked to click the last word they read when the timing ended. Whether a student performed a Whole list or 1 minute timing, the reading rate for a timing is based on the number of words read in the elapsed time. 

To change the length of Word List timings:

  1. In the student module, click the Teacher button in the page header.
  2. In the dialog that opens, enter your User ID and Password and click Log in.
  3. Select Change Exercise Options
  4. Under Word List, select a Whole list or 1 minute duration.
  5. Click Save or Save & Close.

See Also



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