Rarely does the fast-paced momentum of the school year allow for time to pause and look back. But as the 2015-2016 school year draws to a close, we’re going to do just that—RN Bookmark style.

Here is a list of our top ten blog posts of the year. These are the posts that resonated most with our readers. It’s a handy list for you to reference in case you missed a post or two. It also links to all posts that offer free resources. (Apparently those posts were a hit. Duly noted!)

Without further ado, here’s your top ten:

​10. In tenth place is a recent post, The Scoop on Read Live Idioms. This post answers all your questions about the brand new Idioms content included in the latest update of Read Live. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, please do! Incorporating the Idioms content into your Read Live program will enhance your students’ success.

9. Our ninth place post, Is Fluency Instruction Worthwhile for Older Students? asks and answers a great question. You may be surprised by some of the findings on this topic. Be sure to check it out.

8. Takeaways from the New Study on RTI comes in eighth. Consider this post your handy “cheat sheet” for understanding the recent RtI study that surprised educators everywhere.

7. Which Educational Apps Truly Promote Learning? struck a chord with many readers. How can you tell the difference between a well-developed, educational app and a fraud? Access the article to learn the four key things to look for.

6. Our sixth-place article, Download Checking Initial Placement Guides, may not sound all that exciting, but it has made a huge difference for Read Naturally educators. These free guides, developed this year by our curriculum experts, allow you to quickly and easily determine whether your students are properly placed. A must-read for all Read Naturally users.

5. In fifth place is Additional Word Sorts Now Available. This post offers additional free content to supplement the free content offered in our fourth-place post…

4. A Great Teacher Shares a Great Free Resource. This post introduces the free Word Sorts we developed, in collaboration with a creative educator, to enhance our Signs for Sounds program.

3. In third place is Phoneme Awareness: A Strong Predictor of Reading and Spelling Success. This post breaks down the complicated topic of phoneme awareness and offers a handy Phonological Awareness Skills table as a free download.

2. Do you have students who confuse one letter for another? Our second-place post, A Strategy for Students Who Confuse Letters, offers expert information on this common problem and provides a strategy, as well as a free resource, to use with your students.

1. Our top post of the year is A Strategy for Frequently Misspelled Words. Because don’t we all know students who have trouble spelling the words “said” and “they”? This strategy and free resource are exactly what you need to address the problem. Imagine never having to correct these mistakes again!

And that’s a wrap! The 2015-2016 school year has been another strong one for RN Bookmark. Stay tuned over the summer, as well as next year, for more exciting content.