It’s trendy these days to say that digital communication is ruining our ability to connect face-to-face. But are in-person interactions always superior to virtual ones? Not necessarily. Imagine that an expert across the world is giving a presentation you’d like to attend. Tuning in online vs. in person allows you to receive the same information more efficiently and for a fraction of the cost. For educators, these opportunities are changing the landscape in important and exciting ways.

Free Read Naturally resourcesEdutopia blogger Monica Burns expounds on this topic in her post Can PD Be Virtual?. She elaborates on the benefits of Google Hangout/Skype presentations, webinars, and online courses for teachers. She describes why these professional development options are often an ideal choice for busy teachers with limited budgets.

We at Read Naturally know that “busy with limited budget” describes most, if not all teachers. That’s why we’ve worked hard over the years to develop top-notch digital tools for professional development. Many of these resources are free!

  • Our Read Live Coaching service allows you to individually connect with a Read Live expert. This coach will assist you with implementation and provide ongoing analysis of your Read Live program to maximize success.
  • We offer several Webinars and Webcasts describing our products and how to use them. They’re convenient, informative, and free!
  • Our self-study materials are a great option for teachers who can’t attend our live seminars. They provide all the information you need to implement our programs.
  • Our robust How-To Video Library includes over two dozen videos on various training topics—all free!

It’s our goal to provide quality support to every educator, and we won’t let time and budget constraints stand in our way. We hope you won’t either. Take advantage of our digital professional development options today!