Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v3.3: Release Notes

Released May 2022


What's New in This Release

Read Live version 3.3 includes a new unlocking behavior on Word Warm-ups Live's Look, Listen & Respond step. Students are now required to complete the Lesson words in this step in order. As they progress through the words, each word's lock icon is removed in turn.

This release also includes a handful of bug fixes, which are described below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a blank page when opening Read Live, or if you cannot see the Waiting List page in the Staff Module, you may need to clear your browser's cache

Changes in This Release

  • New unlocking behavior on Word Warm-ups Live's Look, Listen & Respond step:
    • Lesson words across the top of this step must now be completed in order from left to right. As each word's lesson is completed, the next word's lock icon is removed. 
  • In Read Naturally Live and Word Warm-ups Live, The words "(first attempt)" are no longer applied inappropriately to student Quiz or Spelling scores in situations when those steps have been turned off. 
  • In Word Warm-ups Live, the text used on the Congratulations! step to describe incomplete Spelling steps has been revised. 
  • A handful of images in Read Naturally Live–Español levels 5.0 and 5.6 no longer include English text. The images' text has been translated. 

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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