Read Live Release Notes


Read Live v1.8: Release notes

Released August 2015


Read Live version 1.8 includes the following changes:

  • This release improves the security of Read Live by requiring access to the application through the more secure https protocol. Users who attempt to access Read Live via the less secure http protocol will be automatically redirected to use https.
  • To help protect student privacy, this release no longer supports the entry and storage of student demographic information.
  • To simplify the software, this release combines the principal role with the role of school administrator. Staff members who were previously listed as principals will now be listed as school administrators.
  • School administrators are now able to create staff members who have a data entry role.
  • Support has been dropped for the Windows XP operating system and Internet Explorer 8 browser. See the Read Live System Requirements for a full list of supported software.
  • We’ve fixed miscellaneous problems discovered since the previous releases.
Read Naturally Live iPad changes:

IMPORTANT: If you are using the Read Naturally Live iPad app, you must upgrade to the latest version for the 2015-2016 school year.

  • Access to Read Naturally Live via the iPad app now uses a secure connection.
  • The Read Naturally Live iPad app has been converted to the 64-bit version now required by Apple.
  • Support has been dropped for iOS 5.1.1. As a result, the Read Naturally Live iPad app will no longer run on iPad 1 devices.
  • We’ve fixed miscellaneous problems discovered since the previous release.

Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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