Word Warm-ups Step-by-Step Example


Word Warm-ups example: Steps


This sample includes exercises from levels 1, 2, and 3. In each section, students complete an introduction exercise, three to seven lesson exercises, a review exercise, a story exercise, and a challenge exercise.

Students are taught to follow the seven steps listed below to complete the exercises. Two of the steps (1 and 4) require audio support, which is a critical component of the Word Warm-ups curriculum.

First, students complete an introduction exercise for each section by working through Step 1. Then, students complete each lesson, review, story, and challenge exercise, by working through Steps 1–7. Use the step descriptions to walk through the sample exercises included or simply review the materials.

  1. Look, Listen, and Respond
    Students look at the exercise sheet while listening to the audio instruction on the CD and responding appropriately. This step emphasizes phonemic awareness and helps students learn the featured phonics or syllable patterns.
    You can listen to the audio support for many of the sections included in this sample by clicking the Play button, when it is available.
  2. Cold Timing
    Students complete a one-minute timed reading of the words in the exercise. Students read the words down and then across for one minute. This is the student’s first attempt to read these words.
  3. Mark and Graph Cold Timing Score
    Students mark and graph their cold timing scores, providing a baseline for checking progress.
  4. Read Along
    Students read along with the narrator as s/he reads the word list or story. The audio models segmenting the word into sounds or syllables and then blending the parts into the whole word. Students should subvocalize quietly as they read along with the narrator.
  5. Practice
    Students practice reading without audio support until reaching the words-correct-per-minute goal.
  6. Hot Timing
    The teacher listens to individual students read and determines whether or not they have met the pass criteria. Students pass by reaching the words-correct-per-minute goal with three or fewer errors. For story exercises, students also need to read with good expression.
  7. Mark and Graph Hot Timing Score
    Students mark and graph their hot timing scores and see progress from their cold timing scores.

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