RN Bookmark

Over the past couple years, our blog has featured several posts on the ways Read Naturally programs align with the CCSS. In case you missed them, here are the highlights...

What happens to a third-grade student who fails a standardized reading test in the spring? In some states, that student may be required to repeat the third grade. Fourteen states enacted policies in 2012 that either require or strongly recommend that schools hold back third-grade students who fail standardized reading tests. How do such policies impact our students and schools?

A Valuable Independent Word-Learning Strategy

As you know, vocabulary is a key component to success in reading. There are many benefits to having a large vocabulary, but none is more valuable than the positive contribution that vocabulary size makes to reading comprehension (Nagy, 2005).

So how many vocabulary words should you aim to teach your students per year?

Read Naturally is packing and hauling our entire headquarters to a new office, still very close to the original location. The move will take place September 11 and 12, 2014. The Read Naturally office will close for a short time in the late afternoon/evening of September 11 but will otherwise remain open for business during its usual hours.

Why and when should Read Naturally students switch from one-minute to whole-story timings?

Students taking high-stakes tests must have the capacity to read for extended periods of time. Whether they’re reading a series of questions, or reading to comprehend a lengthy passage, endurance is crucial to their success. How can we help build reading stamina?

Sharpening a new stack of pencils, decorating a clean bulletin board, organizing the books on the shelf… year after year, certain rituals mark the beginning of school. For Read Naturally teachers, certain rituals also mark the beginning of your program. We want to direct your attention to some previous blog posts—“oldies but goodies”—that contain valuable information about getting your Read Naturally program off to the best possible start.

I’m in book club with a group of friends. When the book club began, everyone was eager to read again. “I haven’t read an actual book in so long!” many of the members confessed. So we got together and had rich discussions about wonderful books… for a few months. Then we started discussing TED Talks. Now we mostly just get together and chat. I’ve done a little investigating and have come to realize that this trajectory is strikingly common among book clubs. Why don’t we read books anymore?

As you think about Read Naturally’s role in your school this coming fall, you’ll want to consider the most effective way for teachers and reading specialists to be trained in the strategy and materials. Read Naturally offers a variety of training options to accommodate any situation.

​In the next two weeks, five major education conferences will take place in cities across the country. Read Naturally will be presenting and/or exhibiting at all five events. If you’re attending one of these shows, please stop at our booth and visit with us.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry




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