NancyCongratulations to Star Student Nancy R. from Fairview, OR! Nancy is a fourth-grade student at Salish Ponds Elementary School. Nancy’s teacher, Linda Kirby, had this to say about her:

I have used Read Naturally off and on for years. I am a reading specialist and have seen the amazing results that Read Naturally can bring. Nancy started in the program in October on Level 2.5 with a goal of 85 words per minute. Her writing and spelling skills were very low. She had low self-confidence. Six months later, she is at Level 4.0 and her goal is at 130 words per minute! She surpasses her goal much of the time. Her confidence has sky rocketed. Her writing skills and comprehension skills have improved significantly! She has developed many strategies that she is using to become a confident, fluent fourth-grade reader. I feel that Nancy deserves to be a Star of the Month for these reasons. Thank you.

The Read Naturally Star of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills. Each month, we select one student to feature in our newsletter. The selected student will win a $20 Barnes & Noble gift card, and the school or teacher who nominated the student will receive a $200 gift certificate for Read Naturally materials.

If you entered the drawing and your student did not win this month, he or she will remain in the selection pool for future months!

To nominate your deserving student, visit the entry form.