Analia has worked her way to grade-level reading this year. Analia is a 6th-grade student at Tenney Grammar School in Methuen, MA. Analia comes to class everyday ready to challenge herself and make the most of every minute. Analia may not be the fastest worker in her class but her consistent effort is paying off. Here is what her teacher, Judy Rossi shared with us about Analia's reading success.

Analia is a 6th grade student who struggles with Oral Reading Fluency and sight word development. She started using Read Naturally Live during this 2020/21 school year. She is a fully remote student this year and therefore has accessed her intervention through distance learning. Analia was placed in level 4.0 and began independently using the program at the end of October. She has completed 14 stories so far (she works at a slower pace) and moved up two levels since beginning the program. She has been able to consistently increase her fluency by 40 WCPM following her opportunities to repeatedly read her stories. Not only has her fluency been improving but her scores on her comprehension questions have also improved steadily and consistently. She puts 100% effort into all of her work and maintains stamina for the entire class period which is remarkable considering she is a full remote student and other than check-ins with me for questions or pass activities, she works with independence. She constantly wants to challenge herself, and has asked me if we can move her up another level after she completes the current story she is working on. She has become a more confident reader across her academic areas, often volunteering to read aloud when she works in a small group in her general education classes. She began the school year reading in the 25th percentile for fluency,  and is now reading in the 50th percentile based on results of her spring benchmark assessment. This is a true snapshot of success in my eyes. 

The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Each month, we select one student to feature in our newsletter. The selected student wins a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, and the school or teacher who nominated the student receives a $200 gift certificate for Read Naturally materials.