As you know, fluency is a complicated skill to teach. This is because fluency itself is highly complex. Therefore, setting aside time to deepen your knowledge of this skill is important. When you understand the ins and outs of fluency, you will be more effective in helping your students master this key component of reading success.

Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D and Deborah Glaser, Ed.D. recently developed a training manual entitled Reading Fluency: Understanding and Teaching this Complex Skill. This well-researched manual was written for “those professional educators who care enough about their students to ask the seemingly simple question, ‘How do I help my students become fluent readers?’ and do not fear the complex answer.”

Hasbrouck and Glaser’s four-module guide provides an abundance of information on fluency, as well as descriptions of various activities for developing and integrating fluency skills. The Read Naturally strategy is recommended as an activity for students who need targeted intervention to improve fluency, and an overview of the strategy is included.

If your professional development goals include acquiring a deeper understanding of fluency and how to teach it, we believe you will find Hasbrouck and Glaser’s guide to be a useful resource. Click here to learn more about it.