Isaia S. is the March Read Naturally Star of the Month. He is a second-grade student at Denali Elementary in Fairbanks, AK. In less than a year, Isaia went from being a frustrated reader to a child that enjoys reading. Isaia's family and his teacher, Susan Heinrichs, are so proud of him. Ms. Heinrichs shared the following details about Isaia's achievements.

Isaia began Read Live in April last year. We had tried other programs with limited success and he was discouraged. Not only has he loved Read Live, but he has blossomed into an amazing reader who loves reading. In less than a year, he has moved from Phonics 0.8a to Sequenced 3.5. He still completes one story a day, working independently except for the hot timing and occasional help with the quiz. The graduated structure of Read Live has provided Isaia with the success he needed to inspire him, and his reading success has in turn made him a confident student. I am using Read Live with more and more students because of Isaia's success! 

The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Each month, we select one student to feature in our newsletter. The selected student wins a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card, and the school or teacher who nominated the student receives a $200 gift certificate for Read Naturally materials.