One of the criteria for passing a Read Naturally story is that students need to answer all the comprehension questions correctly. When teachers learn of this requirement, they tend to have a few questions. Here are the most frequently asked questions about our comprehension requirement, along with answers from our curriculum experts:

Is a score of 100% on the Quiz questions a reasonable expectation for struggling readers?

When teachers ask this question, we always clarify that students are not required to answer all the questions correctly on their first attempt. If students answer any questions incorrectly on their first attempt, it doesn't mean they won't pass the story. It just means they must go back and try again. They need correct answers in order to pass—but it may take them a couple tries to achieve this. Our curriculum experts recommend telling students that the Quiz questions need to be correct the first time or corrected in order to pass. Note that it is common for students to answer a question or two incorrectly on their first attempt, especially when they're new to the program.

Why is a score of 100% required in order to move ahead?

Comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading. Students should learn that the point of working in Read Naturally’s programs to become better readers is so that they can understand what they read. When they're fluent, no longer struggling to decode the words, they can spend their mental energy comprehending—and that's when the magic happens! That's when reading shifts from being a chore to being an activity that is entertaining, astonishing, and life-changing.

Should I help my students with the questions they missed?

We encourage teachers to offer coaching and support as needed. Teachers should ask the student to locate the correct answers or clues in the text and then re-answer the missed questions. Observe the student doing this if necessary, and provide any needed support. Working with the student on their missed questions gives the student the opportunity to see why they misunderstood (either the question or the content) and allows the teacher the opportunity to provide direct guidance in the moment.

How can I track a student's progress in comprehension if their score is always 100%?

When tracking comprehension data, you'll track the student's first attempt. (This process is automatic in Read Live.) This way, your data will not show 100% across the board. Rather, it will alert you to areas where the student might struggle. For example, you might notice that question 3, the vocabulary question, tends to be incorrect on the first try. With this data, you'll be able to work with the student on how to answer these questions in the future. This document, A Teacher’s Strategy for Teaching the Comprehension Questions in Read Naturally Strategy Programs, was developed by a Read Naturally teacher and has some great ideas for teaching these concepts to students who are struggling. Tracking "first attempt" data will also show you whether the student improves after additional support.

What should I do if my student's "first attempt" scores are low?

"First attempt" comprehension scores are a good indicator of whether the student needs additional comprehension support or whether the level is too difficult. If the student is consistently scoring less than 80% correct on the first attempt, offer additional support. If the issue persists, the student's level may be too hard. An average score of less than 80% on several stories indicates that the student is struggling to understand the material and should not advance in levels until this improves. Note that for students new to Read Naturally, 60% correct on the first attempt is reasonable—with the expectation that they will get to 80% after completing three to six stories in the program.

Check out the Working With Students on Comprehension section of our website for additional information about this topic. Read Naturally students light up when they start to understand what they're reading—often for the first time ever! We are passionate about this topic and here to assist you if questions arise. Reach out anytime!