Parent Teacher ConferenceUpdate: One Minute Reader Live is now included as a component of Read Live. The One Minute Reader iPad App has been discontinued.

Spring conferences are fast approaching! As you share your students’ fluency progress with their parents/guardians, point out the ways they can support this progress at home. Consider offering our “fluency at home” letter, which explains to parents how they can use teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring at home.

The most helpful tool to mention to parents/guardians is One Minute Reader. One Minute Reader is the perfect home supplement to your students’ Read Naturally program. It’s easy, affordable, and available as an iPad app or in book-and-CD format. Students will benefit from using One Minute Reader now and especially over the summer. Offer our “avoid the summer slide” letter to educate parents/guardians on the summer slide and inform them how to use the One Minute Reader program to avoid it.

As always, please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can support you in your communication with parents/guardians. Get in touch at 800-788-4085 or, and we can direct you toward the handouts and resources you need. We wish you a productive conference season!