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​To advance literacy worldwide over the next decade, what topics do educators need to focus on? The International Literacy Association (ILA) recently put this question out to 1,443 literacy professionals from 65 countries and territories in the 2020 What’s Hot in Literacy survey. With the ultimate goal of better outcomes for students, this reputable report highlights the most critical topics in literacy and identifies areas that need more support.

​This winter, we’re traveling to reading and education conferences in all parts of the nation with one goal in mind: meeting you! Chances are high we’ll be coming to a city near you very soon. Check our schedule here to find out.

Cole M's Hard work paid off earning himself the December Star of Month Award. He is a second grader at Olive B. Loss Elementary in Bear, DE.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry




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