Congrats to our first Star of the Month for the 2023-2024 school year, Sadie! Sadie is a positive, hard-working third grader at Wynot Public Schools in Wynot, NE. Here is what Sadie's teacher, Ms. Steffen, had to say about her:

Sadie is a very hard working student. She has been using Read Naturally to increase her fluency for a little over 1 year. She enjoys the stories with animals as she loves to help on her Grandpa's ranch. She is a persistent and striving reader. She often is the first to volunteer reading aloud in her general education classroom's textbooks. She has started saying some positive affirmations before she tackles reading a passage of any size. Her reading has greatly improved since beginning the Read Naturally program. She is very excited that our school purchased the One-Minute readers for her to take home and share her reading skills with her family.

Way to go, Sadie!

Do you have a star student like Sadie? The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Nominate your star student today to win prizes for both student and teacher, as well as special recognition!