Congrats to our March Star of the Month for the 2023-2024 school year, Kypten! Kypten is a fourth-grade student at Gordon County Schools in Resaca, GA who is making huge strides in reading with confidence! Here is what Kypten's teacher, Mr. Marycz, had to say about him:

I am thrilled to nominate Kypten, a fourth-grade student from Mr. Marycz's Read Naturally group, for the Read Naturally Star of the Month program. Kypten's dedication and remarkable progress in improving his reading skills have truly set him apart.

In the time that Kypten has been part of the Read Naturally program, he has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to honing his reading abilities. His perseverance and hard work have not only been evident to his teachers but have also inspired his peers. Kypten approaches each reading session with enthusiasm and a genuine eagerness to learn.

Kypten's progress is not only measured in improved reading fluency but also in the newfound confidence he exudes. He has become a role model for his classmates, showcasing that with hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve success in their reading journey.

In recognition of Kypten's outstanding efforts, I believe he would make an excellent candidate for the Read Naturally Star of the Month. His story is one of growth, resilience, and the transformative power of literacy education. Featuring Kypten would not only celebrate his achievements but also inspire other students within our Read Naturally community.

Thank you for considering Kypten as a nominee for the Star of the Month program. I am confident that his story will resonate with and motivate readers across the nation.

Way to go, Kypten!

Do you have a star student like Kypten? The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Nominate your star student today to win prizes for both student and teacher, as well as special recognition!