Congrats to our October Star of the Month!Congrats to our second Star of the Month for the 2023-2024 school year, Juan! Juan is a 2nd  grader at Mountain Shadows Elementary in Glendale, AZ. He has worked hard to grow and learn and is reading without mistakes and building his fluency! Here is what Juan's teacher, Ms. Teran, had to say about him:

In kindergarten and 1st grade Juan really struggled in reading. He had to overcome many obstacles in his very young life. He has worked hard to grow and learn. Now that he is reading without mistakes we are working hard on building his fluency using Read Live. He loves the program, comes to class everyday early (if he can) and is passing each story with flying colors. I am so proud of him!

Way to go, Juan!

Do you have a star student like Juan? The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Nominate your star student today to win prizes for both student and teacher, as well as special recognition!