Congrats to our April Star of the Month for the 2023-2024 school year, Alexia! Alexia is a third-grade student at Campus Canyon school in Moorpark, CA, who has made huge strides using Read Naturally Live. Here is what Alexia's teacher, Ms. Lemus, had to say about her:

Alexia began using Read Naturally Live when she was in second grade. Reading was a true struggle for her. She would often feel frustrated and did not enjoy reading... but she never gave up. Alexia started in Phonics Level 1.3. She showed steady progress, and by the end of the school year she was reading at a mid-second-grade level. Alexia chose to continue using the program through the summer and worked hard to become a strong reader. At the beginning of third grade, she started the year at Level 2.5 but quickly raised to Level 3.0, and now she's reading at Level 4.0! Not only has Alexia greatly improved her fluency (even her cold readings are excellent), but most importantly, she has improved her comprehension. I could not be more proud of her or more amazed at what Read Naturally Live has done for her!

Way to go, Alexia!

Do you have a star student like Alexia? The Read Naturally Star Student of the Month program is designed to celebrate students who work hard to improve their reading skills using Read Naturally's intervention programs. Nominate your star student today to win prizes for both student and teacher, as well as special recognition!