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We’ve reached the time of year when many of you are filling up your summer calendars, making plans to keep your children’s minds and bodies busy. Quiet time to read might not earn a spot on your family calendar, but it should be highly prioritized nonetheless.

Here are some tips for boosting your children’s literacy this summer:

​​​​​​​If you’re a Read Live user, we hope you’re taking advantage of FREE One Minute Reader Live access this summer to accelerate your students’ gains and ensure they don’t lose the progress they’ve made this year. OMR Live is completely independent and ideally suited for summer learning. Teachers typically have just one concern: How can we trust that the students will put in the time and effort on their own? Rest assured, OMR Live is inherently rewarding, and kids love it! Beyond this, consider boosting their motivation by implementing a fun incentive program.

What is the best way to ensure your Read Live students don't lose the progress they made in reading this year? Have them work in One Minute Reader Live over the summer! In school, the majority of Read Live students are working in Read Naturally Live. All of these students also have free access to One Minute Reader Live—an effective and fun summer reading tool.

There are an unlimited number of variables surrounding and affecting us at all times. Reading time is no exception. What can we do to create an optimal reading space for our students and children? Here are some easy and effective ideas:

The two most important factors in a successful read-aloud are a great book selection and a great delivery. When these two factors are present, it feels like magic. The room becomes still. All eyes are on the reader. The crowd collectively furrows at the worrisome parts of the story and roars with laughter at the funny parts. When good stories are read aloud, they can instantly lift up, teach, and unite diverse groups of people. Few things in life are so simple, yet so powerful.

The school-to-home connection is more important than ever. The need for distance learning over the past year has created challenges for teachers, parents, and students. And, as the school year ends, we don’t want our learners to experience a “summer slide.” By having parents as partners, students who have been working in Read Live at school can have more support and continuity in their instruction. We want to share some tools and resources to help your students take advantage of reading opportunities with Read Live, even during the summer months, from home.

Every year around this time, we like to provide educators with resources to help their students combat the Summer Slide in reading. This year, students are also facing a potential “COVID Slide” due to the extended disruption of typical classroom learning. The collision of the COVID Slide into the Summer Slide might sound like, well… a bit of a disaster. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be.

We’ve reached the time of year when many parents are filling up their summer calendars, making plans to keep their children’s minds and bodies busy. We at Read Naturally believe reading is the most important activity children should be engaged in this summer. Quiet time to read might not earn a spot on the family calendar, but it should be highly prioritized nonetheless.

Summer will be here before we know it! While we all welcome summer, we do not welcome the Summer Slide. For this reason, many teachers have expressed interest in setting up students to continue working in Read Live at home over the summer.

On airplanes, they tell you to secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. You’re only able to help another person if you have enough air for yourself. This advice can be applied metaphorically to any situation in life—and it’s the kind of advice that is especially difficult for teachers to follow. Teachers are the ultimate helpers. Without hesitation, they’ll set aside their own needs to help a student or colleague in need. So how do they avoid running out of oxygen? For many teachers, the answer is S-U-M-M-E-R.

Make Your Student a STAR!

Read Naturally Star of the Month​Share your student’s success story—nominate him or her for our Star of the Month award. Win a Barnes & Noble gift card for the student and a Read Naturally gift certificate for your class!

pointer Submit a Star-of-the-Month entry




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