Many educators are surprised by all the free resources we offer. From the beginning, we’ve been happy to share our research-based strategy, ideas, and best practices with anyone willing to listen. This is because our bottom line is to brighten the future for struggling readers. If you share this desire, we’d love to help in any way we can.

Read Naturally WebinarsTo this end, we’re delighted to offer a series of free webinars, from January through May, on a range of literacy instruction topics. Some, such as our Foundational Reading Skills webinar, provide expert information on how to teach specific skills. Others, such as Read Live: Beyond the Basics, offer training related to a specific product.

This month’s webinar is all about Read Naturally GATE. GATE is a program that teaches the Foundational Skills of the Common Core State Standards to small groups of beginning readers. This intervention combines the Read Naturally Strategy with interactive phonemic awareness and decoding exercises. If you’re looking to help students master high-frequency words as they improve their fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, this webinar is for you.

Click here for a full schedule of upcoming webinars. If you can’t attend the live presentation of a webinar that interests you, please register anyway to receive a recording of the session. You can view all past webinars in the Knowledgebase section of our website.

Webinars are a wonderful way to receive training in a certain area without the time or expense of attending a live seminar. We hope you take advantage of this valuable offering. We look forward to “seeing” you in the audience!