You’re browsing the shelves of your favorite bookstore. Book spines of various sizes and colors flank a book whose cover is facing outward, looking you squarely in the eye. Not surprisingly, this is the book that interests you. Someone has clearly decided it’s special.

Which books are special in your classroom? Research shows that when teachers honor a certain book—for example, by displaying it on a table or ledge—students are more likely to want to read it. Likewise, students are drawn to books recommended by friends and trusted adults.

Honoring special books and publicizing peer book recommendations are two of several ideas discussed in Simple Practices to Nurture the Motivation to Read, an article written by education professors at LD Online. We appreciate the article for its helpful tips on incorporating research-based ideas into your classroom. These easy-to-implement ideas create a framework in which struggling readers are more motivated and can derive greater enjoyment from reading.

In particular, we appreciate the research cited on the importance of reading aloud—research that supports the Read Naturally strategy. We also enjoy the authors’ fun insights on “publishing” your students’ written work in the classroom library and exposing your students to a wide variety of genres.

Do you have additional insights on creating a motivating reading environment in your classroom? If so, we’d love to hear them!